Senior Adult Ministries

Senior Adult Ministries “SAM” is an Oklahoma District Ministry as is the Men’s Ministry “MM”, Women’s Ministry “WM”, and Youth Ministries “YM”. Senior adults have special needs and a wealth of resources.

All too often, senior adults die a premature death due to loneliness, depression, suicide, abuse, anger, withdrawal, or improper quality of life. (Loneliness is the number one killer of senior adults,) Senior adults have a wealth of untapped wisdom, knowledge, experience, time, talents, and resources to name a few.

The purpose of SAM is to help improve/ extend the quality of life of senior adults through spiritual, physical, and emotional ministries directed to and for senior adults ages 60 years of age and above.

Behold, the field is white, ready to harvest. There is a rapid growth of senior adults due in part to baby boomers, age wave, third age and/or just living longer. This growth is affecting every facet of our society to include social, political, and religion.. Consider the following:

34 % of all Americans are 50 years of age or older;

There are more than 35 million senior adults which represent about 1 in 8 Americans;

Every second, another person turns 50;

Seniors are living longer. Every week more than 200 Americans turn 100;

Senior Adults are turning 65 years of age at the rate of 10,000 per day.

Senior adults outnumber teens at the rate of 2 to1.

What a harvest field!

Not old—just “recycled teenager”

Spiritual Ministries

Worship: Promote church attendance and events.
Discipleship: Teachers / Mentors;
Prayer Warriors
Phone Ministry
Nursing Homes / Shut-in’s

  • Church services
  • Bible Study (Sunday School Lit.)
  • Communion
  • Media: Tapes, video 

Physical Ministries

Handicap Accessible
Special Seating: wheel chairs, walkers
Sound and Visual aids
Servers at church activities for those with limited mobility;
Outings: Scenic tours, dining, Christmas lighting, etc.

Emotional Ministries

Purpose – Reason to live; Challenge/encourage seniors to use their time, talents, resources, abilities, wisdom, knowledge, experience;
Visitation: in person or by phone
Fellowship/Inclusion: Seniors want to be a part of the church;
Recognition: birthday, anniversary, achievements;
Good Listeners
Love: Someone who cares.