Pentecostal Church of God Oklahoma District
Welcome. It is a pleasure to introduce you to the ministries of the Oklahoma District Pentecostal Church of God (PCG).

We are absolute, connected, global and relevant. We are PCG.
The Pentecostal Church of God (PCG) proclaims Bible truth in Pentecostal power in order to exalt the Lord, edify the Church, and evangelize the world.
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Our Ministries

Women's Ministry
Evangelizing, encouraging, and equipping women to live the Empowered life in Christ. We exist to encourage women in the truth of God’s Word and the pursuit of deeper relationship with Him.

Impact Student Ministry
We exist to IMPACT Generation Z for the Kingdom of God, and partner, equip, and network Generation Z leaders to reach their students. We take serious the responsibility to IMPACT OKLAHOMA!

Senior Adult Ministry
The purpose of SAM is to help improve/ extend the quality of life of senior adults through spiritual, physical, and emotional ministries directed to and for senior adults ages 60 years of age and above.